Sunday, 30 December 2012

Treat a Guy Right

How to treat a nice guy

I was recently told that when a woman has been dogged out all her life by men, when she gets a good man, she don’t know how to act. This has many implications she don’t know how to treat him, she messes up, she just can’t figure out what he wants. Well let me explain this one so it is clear (I hope). When some one is treated bad in their relationships they build up walls defenses that they use to protect them selves. One of the things the new relationship has to do is be patient and let the woman bring down the defenses. After that the woman can start to be guided and then freed from the past. yes she will still have some times when she is haunted by the experiences but that is where more patients is needed.
As for how to treat him Everyone has heard of the golden rule right? treat others the way you want to be treated. It applies here too. If you want to be treated like a Queen then treat your man like a King. I’m not saying everything will be perfect, but I am saying that when women treat men with respect, love, admiration. the man will have what he wants. Now for the she messes up- Relationships take work on both parts. When hard times come, be honest and straight up. show respect to each other and don’t play games. Playing games only leads to being alone.
Building a relationship takes all our lives. it is not just a few years and then you can sit back and enjoy the ride. There are ups and downs every one must face. This is when you truly know you love one another if you can weather the storms of life. The blessings you will reap after the storms are worth enduring them. But you must be mindful of the dangers. Don’t be naive and put your self in situations where you will end up hurting each other. Think and be mindful of the way things are heading. Many times people put them selves in situations that they don’t mean to be in but because they become complacent and think they are untouchable they traverse the dangers and more often then not they get bit. Many times to the destruction of the relationship they wish to hold on to. But if you endure and show grace, compassion, mercy basically Love you will have a stronger relationship then ever before. I hope all of you are able to endure the hard times as well as be overjoyed with the good times of your relationships.

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