Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Relationship Advice for Young Men

Relationship Advice for Young Men
When it comes to relationships, men tend to be a bit less careful as compared to women. They are not very good in terms of understanding a woman’s feelings and their careless behaviour may lead to needless arguments and in the worst case scenario, it can cause a breakup. These relationship tips can help young men overcome their relationship problems and deal with them in an appropriate manner:
1. Keep the excitement alive. When you are in a relationship it’s a common thing that you want to see the other person more frequently and you want to spend as much time together as possible. But too much interaction may lead to annoyance and the romance level may fade out. Keep the excitement alive by planning things together and meeting once or twice every week.
2. Don’t try to impress her with expensive gifts. It is the lamest thing ever to get a girl by offering her expensive gifts. If you really want to express your l...ove and commitment you can give her less expensive gifts and pamper her by doing small little things that she would love.
3. Give your girl some space. Keep in mind that because you are in a relationship doesn’t mean you own her and can control her. Give her some space so that she can do things on her own as well. If you try to control your partner’s actions, they may encounter low self-esteem and they would feel they are dependent on you for all the things.
4. Get rid of your insecurities. It’s good to be possessive about someone but over possessiveness may lead to disastrous results. It may show how jealous or insecure you feel and this could hurt your relationship. Always remember to express your feelings in a positive manner.
5. Never force things on her. Let her do things on her own and don’t try to force something that she doesn’t want to do. Everyone should feel a sense of freedom when they are committed to someone and once that feeling diminishes it should be taken as a warning sign.
6. Listen to her. A big major problem with guys is that they don’t listen to the other person. You need to let her speak so that you have an understanding about how she feels and what she expects from you RP

Sunday, 12 May 2013


Good relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. The relationships that you make in your youth years will be a special part of your life and will teach you some of the most important lessons about who you are. Truly good relationships take time and energy to develop.

All relationships should be based on respect and honesty, and this is especially important when you decide to date someone.

In a healthy relationship both partners:

· Are treated with kindness and respect

· Are honest with each other

· Like to spend time together

· Take an interest in things that are important to each other

· Respect one another’s emotional, physical and sexual limits

· Can speak honestly about their feelings


Love should never hurt
Dating relationships can be wonderful! But while it’s important that dating partners care for each other, it’s just as important that you take care of yourself! About 10% of high school students say they have suffered violence from someone they date. This includes physical abuse where someone causes physical pain or injury to another person. This can involve hitting, slapping, or kicking.

Sexual abuse is also a type of violence, and involves any kind of unwanted sexual advance. It can include everything from unwelcome sexual comments to kissing to intercourse. But abuse doesn’t always mean that someone hits or hurts your body. Emotional abuse is anything that harms your self-esteem or causes shame. This includes saying things that hurt your feelings, make you feel that you aren’t worthwhile, or trying to control who you see or where you go.

Remember, you deserve healthy, happy relationships. Abuse of any type is never okay.Learn more about abuse and how to stay safe



Will My Boyfriend Regret Breaking Up With Me

The end of a relationship is always difficult. Even when you part on good terms or as friends there will always be lingering doubt or moments of regret. For those that are left, that doubt can be even more significant and you may find yourself questioning, “will my boyfriend regret breaking up with me?” Although this is a difficult question to answer, there are some signs that your boyfriend does regret breaking up with you and some things you can do to make it more likely that he will regret leaving you.First, if your boyfriend leaves you the best thing that you can do is to take good care of yourself. Be kind to yourself and reframe this negative as an opportunity to develop as an individual without the influence of or constant concern for someone else. It may sound selfish but the ability to focus inward and make decisions about what is best for just you is the path to moving on and moving forward in your life. Make a plan or create a list of new things you would like to try and commit to participating in activities that bring you joy. If you emerge from this breakup with new goals, new interests and new confidence he is more likely to realize that he was foolish to leave you.If you have been left, there are some indicators that your boyfriend may regret breaking up. If he maintains the same level of communication and still shares his most personal feelings and thoughts with you he is probably missing the support and intimacy that he had when he was with you. If he finds excuses to bump into you, still tries to make plans “as friends,” or asks other people about you he may be having trouble moving on. When you are together, if he still holds your hand or puts his arm around you or resumes the physical intimacy/ closeness you had while dating, he is probably missing you. Finally, if he becomes jealous when you begin seeing someone new there is a good chance that he regrets breaking up with you.Even if the breakup was abrupt or for another person, there is usually some doubt on both sides of the breakup. For the person that is left, the best course of action is to move on, stop blaming yourself and work on becoming even more awesome! If you cannot stop wondering if your boyfriend has regrets, these signs may be your best chance of knowing short of actually asking him directly.

How can you prevent a future unwanted pregnancy?

About 85% of sexually active women who do not use contraceptives become pregnant within a year. A woman can become pregnant while breastfeeding, from about 10 days after childbirth, and even during her menstruation. Withdrawal of the penis prior to ejaculation and periodic abstinence does not prevent pregnancy or spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Here you can read more about several forms of contraceptives.
You can prevent an unwanted pregnancy with:
1. Total Abstinence
2. Use of contraceptives

If you are sexually active and do not want to get pregnant, always use contraception.
Methods of Contraception:
No    method   of   contraception   gives   100%   protection.
The male latex condom is the only contraceptive method considered highly effective in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STD's). Birth control pills, Implant and IUDs do not protect against STD infection.
For the Woman
 • DIAPHRAGM is a rubber disk with a flexible rim that covers the cervix and must be  used    together with spermicide. It is available by prescription only and must be fitted for size by a health professional. The diaphragm protects for six hours and should be left in place for at least six hours after intercourse but not for longer than a total of 24 hours.
ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES protect against pregnancy by the combined actions of the hormones estrogens and progestin. The hormones prevent ovulation. The pills have to be taken every day as directed and do not work after vomiting or diarrhoea. Side effects of the pill can be nausea, headache, breast tenderness, weight gain, irregular bleeding, and depression.
DEPO-PROVERA is a hormonal contraceptive injected into a muscle on the arm or buttock every three months. The injection must be repeated every 3 months. The menstruation can become irregular and sometimes even absent. • IMPLANTS (such as Norplant or implanon) are made up of small rubber rods, which are surgically implanted under the skin of the upper arm, where they release the contraceptive steroid levonorgestrel. Their protection lasts from 3 to 5 years. Side effects include menstrual cycle changes, weight gain, breast tenderness and loss of bone mass. • IUD is a T-shaped device inserted into the uterus by a health-care professional. The IUD can remain in place for 5- 10 years. IUD’s have one of the lowest failure rates of contraceptive method. Sometimes the IUD can be expelled and a woman has to check each month after her period with her finger if she can still feel the threads of the IUD. Other side effects can include abnormal bleeding and cramps, but this usually only occurs during and immediately after insertion.
FEMALE STERILIZATION is done surgically. The tubes are ligated, preventing the egg-cells from encountering the sperm cells and preventing any future pregnancies. It is a permanent form of contraception.
EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex in order to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. A woman must take 1 Norlevo and a second pill 12 to 24 hours later. Beside Norlevo, most combination (estrogens and progesterone) birth control pills can also be used. Take within 72 hours of unprotected sex. One dose 100 µg ethinylestradiol + 500 µg levonorgestrel (2-4 birth control pills), 12 hours later a second dose.
MORNING-AFTER IUD must be inserted within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. The IUD can stay for 5 to 10 years.

For the Man
CONDOMS are usually made from latex rubber and can be used only once. Some have spermicide added to kill sperm. They act as a mechanical barrier, preventing direct vaginal contact with semen, infectious genital discharges, and genital lesions. Condoms are the most effective method for reducing the risk of infection from the viruses that cause AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s). It is important to put a condom on properly before intercourse
MALE STERILIZATION also known as vasectomy, is a quick operation performed under local anaesthesia with possible minor postsurgical complications, such as bleeding or infection. The ability to get an erection and an ejaculation does not disappear. The sperm cells are just a very small part (1%) of the fluid and a man will not notice any difference in ejaculation. The body will absorb the sperm cells.
Rates of Effectiveness of Different Contraceptives:
Estimated Effectiveness
Male Latex Condom 86%
Female Condom 79%
Diaphragm with Spermicide 80%
Oral Contraceptives Over 95%
Injection (Depo-Provera) Over 99%
Implant (Norplant, Implanon) Over 99%
IUD (Intrauterine Device) 98-99%
Surgical Sterilisation Over 99%
Emergency Contraceptives 75% 80